The Seventh-Day Adventist Church of Seychelles has set up a lighthouse restoration centre aimed at playing a pertinent role in the lives of people in the Anse Etoile and other districts by offering...
The Seventh Day Adventist mission launched the second phase of its nationwide ImpactSeychelles initiative at the International Conference Centre Seychelles on Tuesday night.
This youth-led initiati...
“It is cool to be good.” This was the resounding message that could be heard from the auditorium of the International Conference Center Seychelles (ICCS) last Saturday as Impact Seychelles came to ...
The Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Youth Ministries of the Seychelles Mission yesterday observed Global Youth Day under the theme ‘Food and Water Drive’.
SDA volunteers were located in various distric...
‘Impact Seychelles’ starts today
The Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church, most precisely the Youth Department, will be launching the ‘Impact Seychelles’ today on Praslin.
Such init...
The Seychelles Mission embraced the ‘Total Member Involvement’ initiative of the world-church to involve every member, every church and every type of outreach ministry for the advancement of the go...
Legliz Advantis Sesel an kolaborasyon avek Minister Lafanmir ti organiz en lamars anba temn ‘Sov Nou Bann Fanmir’ ki ti fer dan lavil Victoria, yer bomaten.
En gran group dimoun tou laz ti’n rann l...
March against tobacco, drugs abuse brings support to families, victims
Schoolchildren, parents of victims, health officials, religious leaders, representatives of stakeholders and associations invo...
In April 2017 the Personal Ministries Department brought new dynamism to Small Group Ministry in the Seychelles by organizing a mission-wide training for all current and potential Small Group Leade...
Young people of all ages from the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church donning colourful t-shirts bearing the inscription ‘Be The Sermon’ gathered in the grounds of Camion Hall on Saturday morning to...
"Authentic Relationship" was the theme of Children's Sabbath that was celebrated in all the churches. We praise God for the simple but powerful message that was conveyed to the church by our beauti...
As we comemorate the abuse prevention emphasis day which falls on every 4th Sabbath of the month of August, the Women's Ministries Department of the Seychelles Mission organized a march on the ...
For our new President's pre-visit and our Union's President visit we had a general assembly so that both pastors could address and meet with our members. It was a blessed Sabbath.
For the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Seychelles Independence, the Seychelles Seventh-Day Adventist Mission had the pleasure to welcome within our midst a renowned doctor, Dr. Enoch S...
We had the privileged of having our Union's Women's Ministries and Children's Director Sister Margery Herinirina with us for the Women's Ministries Prayer Week and we took the opportunity to vi...
The Leadership Certification Training, Course Level 2 was organised by the Children's Ministries Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Seychelles Mission on 11th-14th June 2016 in Seychelles...
On 14 May 2016, 250 Seventh-day Adventist children in Seychelles united in prayer on the International World Day of Prayer for Children at Risk. The theme for the 2016 program was "Small but Mi...
The Seventh-Day Adventist Youth Ministries of the Seychelles Mission joins the Seventh Day Adventist World church Initiative to Celebrate a Global Youth Day on the Saturday 19th March 2016 . T...